Just Like Honey | Girls supporting Girls and why we need more of it

*  items in this post have kindly been gifted by Missguided. Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not reflect those of the brands I may be discussing*

This ones for the girls. But applies to the most probably very few lads who do read my blog *waves if that's you*. This is for you too. In fact, this is for all of those who from time to time, need that little push, that little lift or that piece of confidence that can go a longgg way. 

Believe it or not, I started writing this post back in August. I wrote half a post and sort of just left it I don't know why I didn't post it at the time probably because it wasn't finished being one but two probably because I was having huge writer's block which is admittedly quite a reoccurrence. I started writing a post over the weekend that sounded similar to something I'd wrote before and when I dug through my drafts I found this post. A few tweaks here and there and well here we are. 

The original idea of this post came to me at Reading Festival of all places but I remember putting it to the back of my mind which was only natural I was at a Festival after all. The reason this post idea came to me at Reading was because I was stood completely mellowed out watching a band at Reading (Pond fyi + you will vaguely remember this if you read my Reading Photo Diary post if not you can catch it here) I stood minding my own business in a bit of a daze if I'm honest mesmerised by pond and I felt someone stroke my hair. I turned a little confused ready to ask why are you touching my hair?? And a girl stood there and said: "I absolutely love your hair it's so pretty!" I smiled and thanked her before she said: "and your jumpsuit you look so cute!" She didn't ask anything else or say anything else she just smiled said you're welcome before turning away. She didn't tell me for a compliment to be given in return- honestly, she caught me off guard. I did try and think fast to say something in return other than thank you so much. After I thought was she expecting me to say something back? But I realised she wasn't. It was the thought of her doing so that just made me smile. It really lifted my spirits and for a moment, made me think. We need more of that. 

Which in fact we do. 

More girls, supporting girls. Girls giving other girls compliments, telling each other GURL your outfit is SO on point today, YOU, yes you are FIYAH. Your hair always looks SO pretty, how did you do your eyeliner that neat?!.. You get the point. The kind of late night-drunk-girls-in-a-night-club-toilet-dreams-are-made-of. And if you're a girl you know that scenario right?? And if you're one of the few guys who read my blog I can't speak for you. But I can speak on behalf of my boyfriend when he told me in the toilet once a guy told him he loved his beard and asked how did you grow it like that? Which to me is a strange question for one but it's the thought that counts right? So I know it happens. When my boyfriend responded with 'I put seeds in it and wait for them to grow' I don't think he caught my boyfriends humor but anyway I went off on a bit of a tangent there.

S H O P  T H I S  P O S T 

I was having a pretty emotional night one night out during the end of second year at uni. I say emotional it was a pretty messy night. I went through a rollercoaster of emotions in one night and by rollercoaster, I do mean quite literally I went on a rollercoaster. I have quite the fear of them and drunk me thought it was an excellent idea. Safe to say I sobered up after going on there so I think that's why I was upset in the first place but I still blamed the vodka for crying. 
I went to the toilet where a girl spotted me crying, wiped my tears for me and helped me re-do my makeup. I remember telling her, that her makeup was so good and she looked so pretty. To which she told me her friend did it for her and pointed towards another girl in the toilets. She said she should really be a makeup artist and the girl smiled and said 'oh don't be silly that's so sweet' Through my red eyes. Right there 3 girls who had just bounced compliments off one another for no other reason than to cheer each others nights up. I left the toilet feeling better about myself for having received a compliment and having given one to someone both for not having been prompted. 

I am or do try to be honest on my blog when I do written pieces so I'll be honest here and say being friends with girls hasn't been something that I've had a lot through my life. Though I have had girl friends, and 2 very very close girl friends. A lot of my life I have too had lots of boy- friends not boyfriends.. you know what I mean. I've always found boys really easy to get along with. I mean this could all be in my head or because I am very insecure and thought throughout my life girls judged me or just didn't like me. I'm not sure. But my best mate now is a boy and well my boyfriend who I do too class as my best friend too is, of course, a boy. So entering a blogging world where the blogosphere is absolutely saturated with girls, felt to me a really scary place and again being honest it was, to begin with. 
There's no denying too, that besides gender the blogosphere is a very competitive place, so for me throwing girls and competition in the mix as much as people won't admit to, felt pretty full on and from time to time it still does. For anyone that says they don't compare themselves to one another, we still do it's just human nature I wrote a post on comparison here though and it's something I preach to myself when I can. But what we don't do or what we definitely shouldn't do is pit girls against each other. Because without going all high school musical on you, we're all in this together. 

At every opportunity I get I try to comment on someone's post the girls I love to support, the people not even girls here if I get the chance I try to leave some love and tell them I love there hair or outfit or the location whatever it be. Because let's be honest I do that a lot. I reply to people's Instagram stories like no body's business (anyone else message people on instastories and forget you aren't there best friend??) I always try to support people in any way that I can.
 Hearing something good from someone sometimes can honestly make some peoples day. It makes a difference it means someone listened, someone looked and noticed. And for me personally some days I couldn't cope without it. I'm not saying I need my ego filled. But the blogging industry is hard, being a creative is hard anything you do that you have to put yourself out there for is hard. The support really gives that push sometimes to say oh people are enjoying what I do. I guess it's nice when you enjoy what you do and others enjoy it too. 

I guess I wrote this post as a little thank you to those who continually choose to support me. The people who always comment on my photos, on my blog, watch my stories and interact with me. Even those who say nothing at all and from time to time pop up and say hey honestly it means the world. The girls I'd especially love to say thank you to are Aofie, Lucy, Jess, Caitlyn, Saffy, and Meg all girls who smash their content daily seriously these girls are allllllll the flame emojis. 

And last but not least, let's move on to THIS outfit. You know when you just have an outfit that makes you really feel yourself, you know something you feel really good in this is it. This Leopard Print Biker* gives me ALL the sass I need. From the moment I received it I threw it on and literally went 'yassss' And these Kick Flare Trousers* I never want to take off, they elongate my legs for dayyys.  Even though I have to wear super high heels because of my height, it makes it all better when the Boots* are patient and I'm really digging like glossy almost fetish leather at the moment. Big Fan.

Jacket: Missguided
Trousers: Missguided
Boots: Missguided 
T-shirt: Fan Club Clothing 

Photography by: Jay

Keep being sassy queens


What's your opinion?

  1. Paige this is such a wonderful post, so relatable and real!
    AND THAT JACKET! You absolute babe, I'll always fangirl over you my gal xxx

  2. Ok it's a really cool look but those photos!

    She Walks Blog

  3. Literally loooooved this post! So true people should compliment each other more often, never be afraid to say it, it honestly makes people's day. As someone who constantly feels rubbish about myself when I get compliments when i'm out and about, it adds so much more happiness to me. The same for people replying to insta stories, sometimes I feel like people aren't interested in my content or anything I do, so when I do get that little message, it bloody feels fab. EVERYONE NEEDS TO NOT CARE AND JUST LOVE EACH OTHER!
    Also GAAAAAL, you are slaying so much! <3 xxx

  4. Ah Paige where.to.start. I loved this post so damn much. I agree with everything you said, a few kind words do go a long way and being nice just cos. It makes that persons day.
    You look amazing in these photos girl an per AND huge congrats on working with Missguided <333


@paige rhianne_