Berlin Photo Diary | Travel

First off I want to apologise for my absence from my blog as of late. As many of you may know I'm in my last year at uni and right now it's getting to the point where it's getting v serious (I mean its always been serious) now I'm currently on my last final major project the work is coming thick and fast. So I have to have my full attention on that.
 I was planning on doing a post that explained my absence and taking a break from my blog for a while but honestly in my heart I couldn't do it because I adore blogging and it makes a lot of sense with my course studying fashion it's a part of my future and it ties in quite nicely with my work so I am keeping up to date with it as much as I can. 
I still have collaborations coming up so keep an eye out for that. 

 I did plan on just a vlog for Berlin with my intention being to just use most of the photos and content created there for university because the main intention was for research as part of my university course but with it being my first time there it was a given to do the typical touristy things. Berlin is wonderful and honestly, towards the end I couldn't help just taking a snap of everything, street corners, posters, houses you name it there's something in every corner of Berlin. So, of course, I couldn't not share that with you all. I thought I'd do a little photo diary much like for when I visited Paris 2 years ago and tell you a little bit about what we got up to whilst we were there. Just in case you fancied going yourself. (Which you definitely should if you haven't been already)

 I went with my best mate Tomas we arrived very early (early for a student) at 9.10ish on Monday morning- our flight was 6.25 which meant for the most of Monday we were pretty much zombies. 
The rest of the week on various days we visited the Brandenburg Gate which was for me really exciting to see, definitely the part that makes me think of Berlin when I see it. It was nice to see that both in the day and as it was getting dark- we kind of went at sundown so we got the best of both which wasn't intentional but worked quite well. 
We also visited the East Side Gallery which was a bloody cold walk and SO windy but definitely worth it. The artwork was incredible and again a huge part that felt very much like 'woah' I'm in Berlin.
We made a flying visit to the Holocaust Memorial which if I'm honest wasn't what I expected. Damn you Instagram for some reason it just looked a lot different to I expected but still very fascinating and intriguing to see and explore. 

We also went during Fashion Week so during our time there we visited the Premium exhibitions including SEEK and Bright. As well as dropping in on the Mercedes Benz fashion week which was also fun. I loved the trade shows much more than I expected, such a cool urban vibe there which I loved. I also loved the little signs SEEK had dotted around the event which slogans on. 
Finally whilst we were there we visited a HELL of a lot of cafes because it was so cold we dropped in a few places. I loved the Cafe Cinema which felt more like a bar than a coffee shop but it was very cool and next to the Haus Schwarzenberg too which makes for a good stop. Haus Schwarzenberg was actually probably my favourite part of Berlin. I was blown away by the whole thing, it felt really undiscovered (even though I know its popular) it was really interesting to see. 
We also visited Bikini Mall whilst we were there which for those of you who don't know is a very Instagram friendly shopping centre with some really cool boutiques and eateries. Next to it is the Monkey Bar which was really nice! We only hoped for better weather so we could look out over the top of Berlin (the bar is on the 10th floor so perfect for viewing) the bar also overlooks part of the Berlin Zoo so you can see the monkeys, hence 'Monkey Bar' 
To me Berlin felt VERY London-esque. I can definitely see why people might move there if they live in London. And in comparison to visiting Paris its definitely a lot more hipster, very cool (I've said a thousand times in this post) and there is SO much to explore I know for a fact I haven't done it all in one visit, its one of those places you need to keep going back to. Next time though I'd make the visit in the summer, it was freezing when we went! 

Enjoy the vlog and until next time take care! (P.s that's not the end of the Berlin photos I have an outfit post over the next few weeks from there) 

What's your opinion?

  1. The cafe cinema looks awesome! I love Berlin! Last time went our flight was delayed so we didn't get to spend that much time there. Must go back. Your photos look AWESOME Paige!

    Imogen // xx


@paige rhianne_