Our Trip to Croatia: Part 2 | What we did and what I wore

Hello and welcome back to part two and (sadly) the final part of our trip to Croatia. I do hope you enjoyed part one

Now, where were we?

So for the final part of our time spent in Croatia, we decided we wanted to explore both Dubrovnik and Cavtat to see what more they had on offer.

One of the trips we took to Dubrovnik was to go and visit one of the beaches there which admittedly almost didn't happen because the weather took a slight turn whilst we were on our way which resulted in us having to have an ice cream and then wait it out (nicer problems to have eh) thankfully we headed to the beach not long after which was absolutely stunning. Funnily enough, I didn't take many photos only towards the end where the weather decided to change again (that's why some of the photos may look a bit grey) When I'm around the sea and at the beach I like to just relax and take in the views and have a bit of me time, which is what holidays are all about.
We also had another little wander around Dubrovnik to take a few snaps, honestly each time we visited I found something new to photograph, a new angle or area we hadn't spotted the previous time. The place is full of gems.

Another one of the reasons we particularly wanted to return back to Dubrovnik was for a chance to see it by sunset or at least as the sun went down. I've always been a sucker for a good golden hour and with Dubrovnik being such a stunning place by evening we knew it would be magical.  

We took a boat out from Cavtat in the early evening with the sun streaming down before getting off in Dubrovnik's Old Town. We had decided before going that we both quite liked the idea of going on the cable cars so we could enjoy the sights from above so we decided to head straight there. 

The cable car we loved, definitely something I know we are both glad we did whilst in Croatia, even Jay who isn't so keen on heights. Though he always ceases to amaze me when he always pushes himself to do the things that scare him. 
The cable cars themselves moved quite quickly I thought which did make me question how much we'd spent to actually to do this when Jay informed me we could get out at the top and explore (I thought we'd paid to just go up and back down again, my bad) 
The sights from the top were incredibly stunning I never tire of being able to see cities from above and seeing how small the people and the places look from a height. Admittedly we didn't fully explore everything whilst up there because we didn't want to miss our last boat back and we wanted to have a look round and a drink before returning back to Cavtat so we caught a drink in the Restaurant Panorama which delivers stunning views whilst you can enjoy a drink or something to eat-  we did try to have some food but most of the tables were reserved, it's definitely a popular place so I'd suggest reserves a table if you are planning on a visit.  
I certainly didn't mind not eating however as we still managed to get a table where I enjoyed the most delicious Banana Daiquiri I think I've ever tasted. 

Once we were back on the lower ground we had a wander around and somehow ended up spending around 124 Kuna (£15) on sweets in a sweet shop there called Captain Candy, what can I say I'm a sucker for sweets. We then found a really gorgeous cocktail bar called Congo Bar and I had another- yep, you guessed it. Watermelon Daiquiri this time. 
Surrounded by the sun going down on the buildings and the sound of birds above us Dubrovnik really is a beauty at night. 

On our final day, we had a little wander around Cavtat because despite staying there we felt we hadn't really fully explored the town there. Our intention was to take another trip to the beach but the last day gave quite overcast skies towards the afternoon so we took a trip around the shops in the morning, treating ourselves to some delicious Ice-Cream on our last day (you just have to right?) I had banana and mango SO GOOD. 

For our final evening, we wanted our time having a nice meal and drink together so we settled for a place by the sea to enjoy some gorgeous food. For starter, we had probably the best Vegetable risotto I've ever enjoyed and then for main I saved myself to have fish on the final night (I'd been craving it all holiday) so I had a really lovely fish grill with potatoes and roasted vegetables. Jay enjoyed a meat plate which was also equally delicious. 

And that is where our trip to Croatia concludes though I know it won't be the last time we visit. Croatia was honestly for me one of the most stunning places I've ever visited, I didn't have a single complaint the whole holiday except I wish we had stayed that little bit longer. 
I know that speaking on behalf of Jay its a holiday we won't be forgetting in a long time.

And as for the flight home we got to fly over The Alps and Venice which was incredibly breathtaking!
Until next time you lovely lot take care!

What's your opinion?

@paige rhianne_