The Romantic in me | A love letter to the films I adore

I’ve always been in love with the idea of love, a quote that I could have sworn I’d initially heard in a film which would have been rather fitting given the nature of this post however scouring the internet it seems I made the quote up entirely much to my dismay. Still, regardless of who quoted it, it seemed a perfect way in which to begin the post because it is true, I am and always have been in love with the idea of love, a true romantic at heart. Something that has been embedded into me in many ways through, it is always something I take the opportunity to thank or at least nod to my star sign for.
I’ve always been a total sucker for romance, good old fashioned tails of star crossed lovers, heart-wrenching kissing in the rain, running halfway across the city to tell someone their true and undying feelings, real heavy and heartwarming tails and conquests of love. I mean who am I kidding I sit and cry at the recoupling on love island for god sake.
Truth is if there’s some kind of romance/ sexual attraction in television or film there’s a 99% chance I’ll enjoy it 10x more not scientifically tested of course but it’s certainly very likely.

 I came up with the idea to write this post sometime last year actually but saved it for a more appropriate time of the year... queue Valentine’s Day a time when you may or may not decide to snuggle up with your significant other and watch a cute romantic film (or force your significant other to watch a romantic film whichever works for you) through reality is if you happen to read this on actual Valentine’s Day (highly unlikely) chances are I’ll be sat in the cinema watching 1917 a not so romantic film by a long shot- both mine and Jay's choice by the way because truth is I love a lot of different film genres, thrillers, action or adventure. I’m not subjective to any said film with romance in, oh hell no I just happen to be very fond of a fair few, so with that in mind I decided to draw up a list of some of my favourite romantic films I’ve loved over the years, some of which have remained top of the list of my favourite films for many, many years for you to dip into if you so wish. 

"I’ve always been a total sucker for romance, good old fashioned tails of star crossed lovers, heart-wrenching kissing in the rain, running halfway across the city to tell someone their true and undying feelings, real heavy and heartwarming tails and conquests of love."

About Time 

My, my I don’t actually know where to start with this film because it is, in fact, my favourite, favourite film of all time for a whole multitude of reasons. It features Domhnall Gleeson as the most cutest main character, slightly weird fact here I always call him my little ginger man when I see him in anything else- which actually brings me to say he’s in Phoebe Waller Bridges new endeavour coming soon to Sky so I am absolutely ecstatic about that, that’s for sure. 
It also stars Rachel McAdams who for me is easily one of my favourite actors cast for Romantic films (The Notebook, The Vow HELLO need I say more?) you kinda know it’s going to be a good one (but very sad one) if she’s involved. It also has Margo Robbie and Bill Nighy. What. a. cast. 
Another weird but fun fact I always say I wish Bill Nighy was my grandad because I think he’s just so bloody cool.

Okay, so actors covered let’s get down to the plot of it all. Firstly I must say this film makes me cry at least 5 times during the duration of it, every single time, I don't think I've ever watched it and not cried. I think it’s a hard hitter throughout given that it’s a film about the trials, tribulations and lessons learnt in real life, minus the whole time travelling malarkey of course, for me is what hits the hardest throughout, the relationship between his father and sister especially. Then the very real and rather funny moments throughout Tim and Mary's relationship, the proposal, the first time sleeping together, the first initial (and second meeting) the little bits in between really solidify this real feeling of real and believable romance.

I have so many moments in this film I adore, the wedding scene especially, the summer spent with Charlotte (or not with Charlotte shall I say) I also love the scene where Mary is trying on dresses for Tim and can't decide between them, a very funny and true element in a relationship something both me and Jay laughed at the first time watching, to which Jay followed it up with saying 'that's 100% you'. For me, this film just delivers so much wonderful and endearing conversations and moments that really make you stop, think and be truly thankful for in life.

Romeo and Juliet 

The one with Leonardo Dicaprio in? Yes, that one. The first time I ever watched this film was many, many years ago back when I was school in fact. We were studying Romeo and Juliet in English (who didn’t, certainly a favourite over Of Mice and Men that’s for sure) we spend a good few weeks I remember reading scripts, tearing apart each and every little word, quote and meaning behind exactly what Shakespeare meant by what he wrote and honestly I was in awe, yes really. I loved the lessons I spent studying it because it fascinated me in so many ways. 
Eventually, one lesson we came into the film set up and ready to go I remember the film span across probably 3 lessons and it’s safe to say I was sat front of the class eager to watch and relish in every visual of the film, I'm painting myself as quite the geek at school here but honestly I loved it. I liked the film so much that I went out and bought the DVD to watch it again. I mean there are many reasons to love this film whether that’s Leo’s cute baby face and his incredible yet questionable choice in shirts, the tale as old as time, the heartbreak and pain, the lust, the language, the anger, the guilt or simply just the turmoil and drama of it all. For me and for many it's a crucial love story in the way of love stories that's for sure. This is a film I'm desperate to revisit, but from what I remember the very rememberable party/first meeting, Mercutio' death and the wedding were all scenes among favourites of mine. 

[On Romeo and Juliet] "There are many reasons to love this film whether that’s Leo’s cute baby face and his incredible yet questionable choice in shirts, the tale as old as time, the heartbreak and pain, the lust, the language, the anger, the guilt or simply just the turmoil and drama of it all. For me and for many it's a crucial love story in the way of love stories that's for sure."

La la land 

La La Land sits firmly behind About Time almost as a joint first in regards to just how much I love this film. In terms of romance, however, I’d say it is certainly questionable but I included it all the same because of the beauty and the aesthetics that surround the way this film plays out that makes it fall into the 'romance' category. The music certainly plays key to the magic of making this a romantic film too, I think every time I hear Mia and Sebastian’s theme it brings a tear to my eye. The first time I watched La la Land was at the cinema and I was in awe, though not entirely sure what to expect from it. The ending bought about mix feelings being that it was a musical I thought it would have a perfect and happy ending however that wasn’t exactly the case. The second time I watched I found it sad in many ways and again the next time and so on (by this point you are probably aware I love a good sad film). It's not all sad though of course the charm and wit that oozes from Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling make this film what it is, the connection and the romance that blossoms along the way are really where the warmth comes from within the film.
As it is my absolute favourite choosing scenes to highlight is certainly hard given that I absolutely adore everything about the way the scenes are filmed in La La Land but thinking specifically about it one of my most favourite scenes is where Mia get Sebastian to play 'I ran (so far away)' at the party which then leads to their first proper meeting together. The song and scene 'Someone in the Crowd' is also a firm favourite, for some reason that one also gets me really emotional especially when the music slows down and Mia walks into the bathroom. I also adore the scene where Sebastian walks onto the pier in the evening to 'City of Stars'. Honestly, though I could probably sit here and real off every scene in the film until I was blue in the face I adore this film that much, even better still Jay loves this film too so I can watch it to my heart's content, not that I can't with the others but it certainly helps.

Like crazy 

This film for me was in some ways a game changer, looking back it was probably one of the first films I watched that actually portrayed love in a real, or as close to a real way. This film certainly didn't paint romance as all love and roses which for me was important to know when growing up, much as I think it is for many. From the very casual conversations and the intimacy on-screen to the real pain of separation. This film makes you feel very much like you're peeking in on a private conversation, it almost feels like a documentary at times which is something I find so endearing about this film. I remember the first time I watched this film I played the scene on the beach over and over along with the phone call scene mostly to do with how beautifully real their relationship was portrayed. Looking back I remember I fell pretty hard for this film, much like the songs you play over and over again when you break up with an ex this film kinda sat in my heart as one of those I could sit and cry watching (that's terribly depressing, I do apologise) 

The Great Gatsby 

Much along the same lines as La La Land, I wasn’t too sure as to whether I should include this film in the list much because it’s a tale of heartbreak and tragedy. It certainly isn't a happy ending, not by a long shot, much like Romeo and Juliet in that respect, which in regards to that is what The Great Gatsby reminded me of a lot throughout, from the story to the stylizing of it, dramatic in its approach. Now I won't go into to much detail with this one because I did, in fact, mention it in a previous 'Current Favourites' post where I did summarise it as 'dark and sad but wrapped in a delicate bow', something I still very much stand by. Leaning back into the romantic angle - given that, that is what this post is all about my favourite, most favourite scene has to be the meeting with Daisy and the room filled with flowers with a drenched Leo standing at the door, that scene is the most romantic and heart fluttering scene, it chokes me up every single time. As mentioned in that previous post I also said I was planning to read the book just because of how much I loved the story and portrayal within the film, I still am planning to read it FYI it's sat on my bookshelf looking at me as I type (I will get round to it, I will)

[On 'Like Crazy'] "This film certainly didn't paint romance as all love and roses which for me was important to know when growing up, much as I think it is for many. From the very casual conversations and the intimacy on-screen to the real pain of separation. This film makes you feel very much like you're peeking in on a private conversation."

To all the boys I’ve loved before 

A fairly new addition to the list I have to say, given that most of the films in this post are a good few years old (Romeo and Juliet came out a year after I was born FYI!!) This one for me was one I knew I’d love even before watching not even 5 minutes of the film, yeah really. The day I watched it I was curled up in bed with a cup of tea in hand with the dull sky’s outside above me, kinda the perfect setting for a movie day don’t cha’ think? I sat, I watched and I cried, blushed all whilst my heart flipped a thousand times. To all the boys I’ve loved before is kind of an indie-style film to me, the way it’s filmed, the music and the aesthetics of it all really. But still, it’s very teen, chick flick cutesy rom-com style too. What I love about the film is it’s continuous love letters to romance or romantic films, something you'll pick on if you are like me big on your romantic films, the little trinkets here and there are certainly well received at least for me. 

I think by this point if you’re a fan of the film you’ll know the very famous scene of Peter walking into the cafetière and putting his hand in her pocket then going on to spin her around to face him, yep that was improvised making it an already cute scene 10x cuter. That is, by the way, my favourite, favourite scene in TATBILB, along with the first time Peter kisses Lara to ‘seal their fake relationship’. 

The love triangle for me also sort of seals the deal on some of the reasons I love this film I mean who wouldn’t want Peter and Josh fighting over you? In the way of romance, it's a very will, they won't they film as well as being kinda predictable at points, but that's the fun in these films, right? What's even better is if you loved this first film, the second on is now streaming on Netflix (I can't bloody wait to watch it)

The Fault in our stars 

Like the others in this list, this film is also a very heavy romance (kinda noticing a theme here- I love the depressing stuff). If you've never seen nor heard of it, (which I highly doubt) just know that I lay in a pool of my own tears for at least half an hour after the first time I watched it. 

Among many of the reasons I love romance films the first initial meeting or attraction within the relationship is what really makes me invested in it from the get-go and for me the meeting between Hazel and Augustus still makes my heart flutter every time. Augustus just has this natural likeability and charm from the beginning almost to the point where you're rooting for him and Hazel to get together. There's also this very lion and lamb approach to the two of them too which makes their chemistry so endearing.
Many would say in some ways this film is slightly cheesy and yes again like many romantic films, at times predictable, however, every time I've watched it I have grown to love it more and more. There are so many sad, yet beautiful and warm scenes within it, one of which I won't say as it would spoil the plot but others include their trip to Amsterdam and the meal they share together when Agustus brings her flowers in his jersey and takes her to lunch and the first time they sleep together and Agustus tells Hazel how beautiful he thinks she is, it gets me every time.

Now forgive me, it has been a long time since I watched this film, I watched it on a tv in my room, something I haven’t done for a long time so it has certainly been a while. 
I’ll be honest this film was sold to me from the get-go with Saoirse Ronan and Domhnall Gleeson star in the cast. I knew it’d become a film I was very fond of however at the time I was really into the OA on Netflix as well so seeing Emory Cohen involved immediately got me invested not to be fickle however the story grabbed my heart and my attention too. Regardless of love, though we mustn’t forget that element this film is something I think we can all relate to in some ways when it comes to that feeling, that deep-rooted sadness and longing of homesickness, whether you’ve strayed from home for a holiday or to live you’d have felt the feeling at some point or another in life. I think that painstaking feeling is what feeds into this film a lot. Similar in ways to films like 'To all the boys I’ve loved before' this film is much about choosing between two loves as it is between choosing two different lives, something you too find yourself choosing between whilst watching the film. As I mentioned it was some time ago since I watched this film (rewatching them before this post might have been a good idea) however I remember the ending very well, no spoilers if you haven’t seen it but this film truly, truly made my heart melt certainly one of my favourite scenes from this film, along with Eilis and Tony visiting Coney Island (putting this on my list to watch again soon ASAP) 

What's your opinion?

@paige rhianne_