Christmas on Film

And just like that, there goes Christmas for another year. You are always short but oh so sweet. If I'm honest though this year didn't feel much like Christmas at all, I find myself asking the question more and more as I get older; if the magic of Christmas is only something you experience as a child. Nevertheless however this Christmas was still really lovely, spent with the people I love, doing some really nice chilled out things, nothing too strenuous.

I kind of class the Christmas period anything from the 7th of December onwards because that is when we celebrate Jay's birthday so it puts us in the mood for festivities. This year for his birthday we went to see Blossoms (who by the way were absolutely incredible hands down the best time I’ve seen them live) before we then headed to a few bars eventually ending at a club later in the evening, or should I say morning. Unfortunately I didn’t take my film camera with me that night just because I didn’t want to loose it or anything but I did take it along with me the following day. 

We visited a really lovely eatery called Pieminister (their speciality is Pies in case you couldn't already guess) The staff and service was just bloody lovely and so accommodating, we even got a free round of drinks! We'll definitely be returning! The meal was in celebration of Jays birthday but really special to have both my mum and Jays join us too. I couldn’t resist snapping each course as it came out and even found this cute area with a disco ball in whilst wandering to the toilet that I have to say from all the film I got developed this time, this is probably one of my favourite shots.

 Oh and just in case you were wondering I had halloumi chips for starter then the Mistlemoo pie which was steak and bacon for main accompanied by a mini stuffing ball, sausage and Yorkshire pudding then for dessert, a mince pie sundae which was as you can tell by the photo was very instagramable it came in a little wafer basket with a star cookie placed on top of the ice cream. It tasted delicious too, super christmass-y!

That weekend I also headed to the German market in Birmingham with my closest friends which in terms of getting in the festive spirit really does the trick. We wondered around the stalls and took in the atmosphere before ending the day with a disaronno hot chocolate at least before it got hella busy and we dodged to the nearest bar. Oh and turns out carousels photograph really well on film.

The Christmas period felt like it was over in what seemed like seconds this year, though Christmas Day itself for me felt fairly long which was nice for a change. This year however was a quiet one with Jay spending it with his family and me with mine it felt quite strange but a really lovely day nonetheless which included eating some extremely delicious food, unwrapping presents, having a sing and dance, playing some board games and getting to finally watch The Greatest Showman which by the way in a brilliant film, I'm kind of kicking myself for waiting so long to watch it, though it made for a perfect Christmas Day movie.

That though is it at least for another year which means new years is just around the corner, tomorrow night to be exact. So I shall see you all in the new year with a year in review post but until then I hope you've all had a lovely Christmas and have an even more wonderful new year.  

What's your opinion?

@paige rhianne_