There are many things in this world that make me want to cry. And the thought of embarking on my 3rd year as a Fashion Student at University is one of them.
Wow, I think I have started blog posts a little more upbeat than that in the past.
But honestly I. AM. TERRIFIED.
I am probably equally as excited but only terrified that: this is my final year, the last year with my friends sharing the stress and the memories, all together doing the same thing.
The last year actually being a student and the perks that come with that. No I don't want to speak about my debt after uni and my lack of discounts that come with that. Hello can you do post graduate discounts please??
And the last year of getting away with not fully adulting. I am not ready to accept responsibility as an adult. I know, I know I am 21 and well I am ultimately an adult but you know I don't have to behave like one...
I think the things that are making me want to cry the most is the thought of Deadlines again. Though if I am honest I have been keeping pretty good practice, with the help of my blog either working with PR's or just in my head (which very realistically is more the case) I often have a set deadline of when I want something done that I try my best to keep to. And in real deadline fashion- fully stress myself out over if it doesn't happen.
But a year away from a university (I took a year out for a placement you can see my year back here) and being so out the loop is the reality of getting back into it again.
Like the first day of school all over again.
I know in my mind everything is going to come thick and fast, so I am just trying to mentally prepare myself for that.
I won't even try and think that far ahead. I'm doing a thing, you know where you try-not-and-think-so-far-ahead-into-the-future-and-stress-yourself-out-so-much-it-feels-like-it-all- becomes-too-much, yeah that.
But really where did those previous 3 years go?? It seems like only yesterday I started as a scared, shy first year even considering leaving during my first year. And since then SO MUCH has happened.
I actually don't know what I would be doing right now if I hadn't chose to study Fashion at University and got all the experiences I have had, and ones yet to come.
I've grown so much, learnt so much, met so many new people, and most of all I have some sort of direction to my life.
But so many musings have popped into my mind whilst gearing up for my first week back and I thought I'd share them with you. Because a problem shared is a problem halved am i right?
What the hell am I going to do for my final project? (dont worry that is a rhetorical question for you reading) So in university you are probably aware whether you are a student or have been a student or not. Every 3rd year gets a final project to work on. And though that won't initially be the aim of the beginning of the year it is quickly going to come to the forefront.
Most courses will have a dissertation, however ours is a little different. Lucky little swine, I know. But equally as hard of course. We choose between making a collection or our own project. Whether that be to do with jewellery, accessories, photography, filming, journalism, styling you choose.
Though one thing that has been certain since day one- I won't be making a collection. Much to the shock of one of my tutors in my first year. I can sew, I can do it quite well. I can make and design but that isn't my goal. Instead I'm quite looking forward to getting stuck into a project because its been a long time since I've done that. And figuring out where my passion lays. For now I think it lays in many places and in someway I think it will be nice to combine the few into doing something I will enjoy. I'll keep you posted.
Swapping lazy days for late nights and early mornings Though this one I will admit again I haven't hugely been guilty of. During my time off especially over the summer I have tried to take the time to relax and enjoy lazy mornings. But most of the time I do get up and get stuff done. (By that I mean procrastinating most the morning then spending late night into early morning rushing to get something done. Which is usually the blog post for the next day.)
Which whilst we are on the subject of procrastinating is something I hugely need to kick the habit of.
Being back at Uni though means getting into uni early and spending late nights at the library just to get things done. Burning the candle of both ends I believe it is called.
Actually remembering how to do something All I can say is thank goodness I'm not doing a collection because don't get me started on how to do pattern cutting. But there are equally things I need to remember. Luckily I use photo shop a lot so that one I'm not too bothered about. But any work doing lazer cutting, illustrator even working out exactly how is it you use the moving bookcases in the library again.. yes really we have moving bookcases.
What comes after 3rd year Which if you refer to earlier in the post I shouldn't be thinking about yet. I have to.
What am I going to do? No really though. What will happen? Where will I go. Will I stay in my city. Will I be a shell of the woman I am now? And ultimately
Retaking 3rd year? I mean really is that a possibility?
I think really I am not massively scared about this year. In fact I should take every moment and run with it. And whatever happens, happens.
One last thing I will touch on though is my blog. Though this year it has grew SO much and probably the most happiest with it I have been in a long time. My blog will have to become second best which for me right now isn't what I want to choose. However Uni has to come first. I've got lots of exciting things lined up for the blog so you will still be seeing lots from me- cant get rid of me that easily. But posts may be less frequent. *sob*
Last but not least of course down to the outfit which I have to say I am really digging for this time of year. Its still warm enough to get away with midi skirts and my ever so faithful Converse.
The last year actually being a student and the perks that come with that. No I don't want to speak about my debt after uni and my lack of discounts that come with that. Hello can you do post graduate discounts please??
And the last year of getting away with not fully adulting. I am not ready to accept responsibility as an adult. I know, I know I am 21 and well I am ultimately an adult but you know I don't have to behave like one...
I think the things that are making me want to cry the most is the thought of Deadlines again. Though if I am honest I have been keeping pretty good practice, with the help of my blog either working with PR's or just in my head (which very realistically is more the case) I often have a set deadline of when I want something done that I try my best to keep to. And in real deadline fashion- fully stress myself out over if it doesn't happen.
But a year away from a university (I took a year out for a placement you can see my year back here) and being so out the loop is the reality of getting back into it again.
Like the first day of school all over again.
I know in my mind everything is going to come thick and fast, so I am just trying to mentally prepare myself for that.
I won't even try and think that far ahead. I'm doing a thing, you know where you try-not-and-think-so-far-ahead-into-the-future-and-stress-yourself-out-so-much-it-feels-like-it-all- becomes-too-much, yeah that.
But really where did those previous 3 years go?? It seems like only yesterday I started as a scared, shy first year even considering leaving during my first year. And since then SO MUCH has happened.
I actually don't know what I would be doing right now if I hadn't chose to study Fashion at University and got all the experiences I have had, and ones yet to come.
I've grown so much, learnt so much, met so many new people, and most of all I have some sort of direction to my life.
What the hell am I going to do for my final project? (dont worry that is a rhetorical question for you reading) So in university you are probably aware whether you are a student or have been a student or not. Every 3rd year gets a final project to work on. And though that won't initially be the aim of the beginning of the year it is quickly going to come to the forefront.
Most courses will have a dissertation, however ours is a little different. Lucky little swine, I know. But equally as hard of course. We choose between making a collection or our own project. Whether that be to do with jewellery, accessories, photography, filming, journalism, styling you choose.
Though one thing that has been certain since day one- I won't be making a collection. Much to the shock of one of my tutors in my first year. I can sew, I can do it quite well. I can make and design but that isn't my goal. Instead I'm quite looking forward to getting stuck into a project because its been a long time since I've done that. And figuring out where my passion lays. For now I think it lays in many places and in someway I think it will be nice to combine the few into doing something I will enjoy. I'll keep you posted.
Swapping lazy days for late nights and early mornings Though this one I will admit again I haven't hugely been guilty of. During my time off especially over the summer I have tried to take the time to relax and enjoy lazy mornings. But most of the time I do get up and get stuff done. (By that I mean procrastinating most the morning then spending late night into early morning rushing to get something done. Which is usually the blog post for the next day.)
Which whilst we are on the subject of procrastinating is something I hugely need to kick the habit of.
Being back at Uni though means getting into uni early and spending late nights at the library just to get things done. Burning the candle of both ends I believe it is called.
Actually remembering how to do something All I can say is thank goodness I'm not doing a collection because don't get me started on how to do pattern cutting. But there are equally things I need to remember. Luckily I use photo shop a lot so that one I'm not too bothered about. But any work doing lazer cutting, illustrator even working out exactly how is it you use the moving bookcases in the library again.. yes really we have moving bookcases.
What comes after 3rd year Which if you refer to earlier in the post I shouldn't be thinking about yet. I have to.
What am I going to do? No really though. What will happen? Where will I go. Will I stay in my city. Will I be a shell of the woman I am now? And ultimately
Retaking 3rd year? I mean really is that a possibility?
I think really I am not massively scared about this year. In fact I should take every moment and run with it. And whatever happens, happens.
One last thing I will touch on though is my blog. Though this year it has grew SO much and probably the most happiest with it I have been in a long time. My blog will have to become second best which for me right now isn't what I want to choose. However Uni has to come first. I've got lots of exciting things lined up for the blog so you will still be seeing lots from me- cant get rid of me that easily. But posts may be less frequent. *sob*
Midi skirts and slogan tees has been a firm favourite for a while, though perhaps one I haven't really shown on her before.
This 'Cry Baby Tshirt*' I was kindly gifted from Romwe. As soon as I seen it I knew I had to have it because a) I am the biggest cry baby (blame the cancerian traits) and b) much like this post I will probably be needing it over my 3rd year but also it reminded me of a band I love called Fickle Friends who have a song called Cry Baby which I absolutely love. At the moment I am trying to adopt more slogan tees, in more colours to give pops to outfits. Which I have to say I'm doing a pretty good job of if you seen my last post.
Oh and one last thing. My bag? I'm obsessed!
Oh and one last thing. My bag? I'm obsessed!
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Tshirt: Romwe* Skirt: Primark (Similar Boohoo) Shoes: Converse Belt: Urban Outfitters Earrings: cant remember but (Similar Boohoo and Boohoo) Bag: Primark Sunglasses: Pretty Little Thing |
What's your opinion?